The Farm

My love for horses started as long as I can remember. At the age of 8 my parents agreed to let me go to riding school. We lived in Norway and I spent my time at the Oslo equestrian riding school practicing dressage and jumping. I begged my parents for a horse but this was refused to me for two reasons. Firstly because we never stayed long in any country. Secondly because my parents never understood my love for horses. I was the only member in the family in admiration to horses.

Finally at the age of 18 when I was at university in Brussels, I spent all my life savings and bought 50% of a 3/4 Arabian mare (co-owned with a friend). Everything I had (and as a student it was not much) went to pay for my horse. At that time I was into horse ball and with some friends we had created a mixed horse ball team. My life was at the stables. The situation completely changed when my mare one day stumbled badly in the arena and cut open both her knees (with me on her back). All the love and care did not help to heal her and a couple of months after this accident she developed arthritis. We let her retire in peace and I stopped riding as no other horse mattered to me.
In 2010, years later and mom of two kids, I wanted to share my passion for horses with my kids and took my eldest for a pony riding lesson. It was then that it all came back to me and for Christmas I bought myself my first Arabian filly, ASE Yameena.

A few years after we purchased and an old farm that we renovated completely followed by two mares (Jafar’s Shania and Naksatra) and my breeding programme started! 

There is no word to describe their beauty and elegance. No way to explain the peace I feel when I am around them. There is something particularly special about the Arabian horse and how they peacefully surround me when I am in the fields. Just so very close and respectful of humans when respected.

Arabian Farm is the accomplishment of my dream. It is a little piece of paradise 15 minutes away from Brussels where elegant horses graze in the fields. Where beauty, peace and respect dominate. A place where beautiful foals are born and can be seen jumping and playing in the fields
As the farm is not big (3 hectars and stables for 9 horses), the focus of my breeding programme is on quality. All horse lovers are welcome to visit our farm.


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